Last graphic series using a mix of two different techniques: 

- India Ink 

- Photgraphie 

Animals are drawing on the photographie edition (Art Paper) made in collaboration with Cedric Bacqueville Gallery (Lille) 

Each picture is unique due to the India Ink work. 



Born in 1981 in Paris. 

His passion for arts is born with his mother. 

Initially he chose painting and drawing as  

his first media of communication. 

But during his numerous trip, he found a new 

way of expression: the writing. 

His new trip's partner was born: his road book... 

Once he had written down his feelings, he 

had to find a new way to translate it. 

His solution was a mix of his own photographies 

and India Ink technic. 

His aim: an Art accessible to all, because Art is 

universal and his message aims to be universal. 

At present time in North of France. 

Noé Walk 

To come 


February 2015: 


-Brussels Affordable Art Fair 

Xavier Ronse 

-Lille Art Up 

Xavier Ronse