Photos & India Inks

The last series
During his numerous trip, he found a new
way of expression: the writing.
His new trip's partner was born: his road book...
Once he had written down his feelings, he
had to find a new way to translate it.
His solution was a mix of his own photographies
and India Ink technic.
His aim: an Art accessible to all, because Art is
universal and his message aims to be universal.
The message has to be the most simple according to him.
It must be understandable even for the youngest.
Because they are our future...
Noé Walk
We have to act together to fond a global and good solution.
The solution can't be an isolated act...
Nature protection is and has to be the mater of all of us... everywhere...
Spirit of god
A way to find the place of god in our society.
Church, love, family, ecolgy...