Sculptures & Creations
Art cannot be separated from a parameter: its place of exhibition. A work has to serve the space where it is and the space has to do so with the work. It is a kind of tennis exchange where we need to have two good players to have a good game. This is the reason of some realizations...
Why do not walk on a painting in an entrance, why not having a dinner on a work and why do we have to put large formats only in big spaces.
Maybe fear of feeling bad? Fear of feeling Narrow-minded by comparison with the work? Fortunately, it is ourselves who have the answer...
Let us make the various senses coexist for a better interactivity, for a better trip.
In evolution since 1981...

At the confluence of several worlds, born in Paris, he lived in Lille since 2003. It is now, according to him, his city of heart: the One which allows him to express through his realizations and his papers...
His engagement for a world that everybody hope always better transpires the naivety of my youth... But no matter, to do nothing would be synonymic of cowardice.
His aim: a painting which is involved and full of symbols, a painting trying to touch the majority of our fellow-men by showing the raw things: frankly...
In evolution since 1981...